Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Labor day Weekend

                 Over this labor day weekend I got the hang of bump firing an AK47. Now I know not everyone knows what bump firing is but that’s ok I’ll explain both what it is and how to do it. I’ll start by telling about the AK, don’t worry its semi-automatic so every pull of the trigger fires one bullet, A friend of mine names Nick Bronk has always wanted an AK-47 so a couple weeks ago he went to “Holmen Pawn” and shelled out the five hundred and fifty dollars to buy it. Now this AK, made by Kalashnikov, is an awsome gun renouned at unjammable and to be remarkably accurate, both statements a agree with, the recoil is next to nothing whick is why bump fireing is so hard to do. Bump firing is taking a semi-automatic gun simulate a full-automatic, Now the trick is to keep your trigger finger still and push forward with your non trigger finger arm to fight the recoil. In theory the bump fire is easy to do, but in practice it is extremely hard especially with a near recoiless gun like the AK. Naturally after getting the hang of it on the target range(we had targets but did’nt hit a thing) we blew threw about two hundred rounds in a couple of minutes. That was an expensive day, one I would gladly repeat.


  1. I must say I'm thinking we are complete opposites lol. I've never shot a handgun but I did use to shoot trap and I was pretty good I must say. So, I guess we do have something in common afterall. :) This story is pretty interesting and I would love to do something like this.

  2. Umm sorry but the AK as an assult rifle.

  3. Sounds fun, I have never even held a hand gun before. I am going to have to try bump firing.

  4. I have been around guns all my life, my step dad is a taxidermist, but they where just hunting guns, i have shot a hand gun before, but i don't remember what kind it was. Very interesting blog
