Thursday, December 16, 2010


Devin would be my girlfriend, don't get to exited I'm not going to discribe her looks. As a person she is the most beautiful living thing in the universe. She is the type of girl that remindes you what its like to be a kid again, just being around her forces you to relive the freedom and happyness you felt as a kid. Her blond moments are really irritating but when the anger subsides you reliese it was actually kinda funny. Her energy is as vibrant as a rabbits yet her aura is often gentle and caring. She puts up with me, I will never understand as to why, but of course I will never complain. I knew i was in love with her even in 3rd grade, I was just to nervous to ask her out back then. We ramained friends up until 7th grade when she went with the girls group of the band while I stayed with our original friends. That was a mistake I really with I had kept her closer. For months we would only see each other at 4H, and only once a month at that. Eventually the dells trip came and I asked her out. Things went well until sophmore year of high school when her friends got sick of my "I tell nothing but the truth so don't ask a question you don't really want the answer to" attitude. They then tried to break us up and almost succeeded, Devin chose me over 4 other girls. Now I only have to deal with one of her high school friends, I'm not thrilled about it but I give up trying to force her away from us. Finally I have asked her to marry me and we are putting the wedding thing off until we both graduate from TC and get decent jobs.

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